Google Reveals ANTIFA Truth - Biden is Founder
Joe Biden was recently outed by a Google Search to be the leader of radical leftist group ANTIFA. He is currently playing Obama on the stump and after this is said and done the Vice President will probably be gone as Trump rides the coattails of populist anger.
How Did Google Discover ANTIFA “Leader” Joe Biden? Vice President Joe Biden, Hillary’s close friend, has been known as a radical leftist leader of the so-called anti-fascist movement — a loose group of self-described anti-fascists who show up at conservative rallies to stir up trouble and burn down businesses.
ANTIFA is an incredibly dangerous organization that is responsible for massive amounts of violence. The fact that ANTIFA members are breaking windows is no surprise to me. Antifa want a violent revolution and they aren't happy with the result that they got in the UK.
If you have ever marched against fascism you will know that the fascists have a rally at a certain time and you have to make it known that you are marching against them. If you do not the fascists will attack you and your counter protesters.
ANTIFA are thugs and scum.